Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez Land In The Middle Of Immigration Debate
Posted on: 6:50 pm, June 27, 2012, by Staff Writer, updated on: 06:49pm, June 27, 2012
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CNN) Hot young Hollywood couple Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were on the House floor today well, their pictures were there. Representative Luis Gutierrez an Illinois Democrat used the stars to make a point on an Arizona immigration law that would let police check peoples immigration status. The Congressman says the law leads to racial profiling.
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, these young people have overcome their very different national origins and have become apparently, a happy couple. Im sure Justin helped Gomez learn all about American customs and feel more at home in her adopted country. But wait a minute, Im sorry, Im not a trained Arizona official. I somehow got that backwards. Actually, Ms. Gomez of Texas has helped Mr. Bieber of Canada learn about his adopted country. Justin, when you perform in Phoenix remember to bring your papers. Arizonas controversial show me your papers law was upheld by the U-S Supreme Court this week.