What Does Selena Gomez's Fragrance Smell Like?

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez's eponymous debut fragrance.Photo: Courtesy of Selena Gomez/Macy's

In a beauty world that's steadily being influxed with hoards of celebrity fragrances, it can be difficult to separate yourself (and scent) from the pack, to be sure that your target market will want to wear your perfume. Selena Gomez is certainly down to try, though. While her boyfriend may already be racking up accolades for "Someday," Sel is aiming for the jugular with her eponymous fan-sourced fragrance. The free samples have been shipped, coinciding with the lippy bottles' first appearances on Macy's shelves, so we can FINALLY lay to rest everyone's #1 burning question: what does Selena Gomez's fragrance actually smell like? We took to the peeps inhabiting our very own office walls for their answers.

Selena Gomez Perfume

Selena Gomez's perfume sample.Photo: @MTVStyle's Instagram

To gather an unbiased opinion, we spritzed a little of the eau de parfum on an unmarked piece of cardstock to get people's blind reactions, and even though ! our surv eyor/coworkers were kept in the dark, they hit every nail preeeeetty much on the head. Selenators selected notes of raspberries, purple freesia, and vanilla musk for the scent, a fruity, floral bouquet of warm, fresh, sweetness, and all of that was detected by our staff. "This smells like candy," said Jason, an associate producer, "I feel like I'm in a candy store... Or Katy Perry's "California Gurls" video." "It smells like the very first chew of a stick of gum," mused editorial director Sophia, "It's Juicy Fruit immediately after it's been taken out of the foil and still has all the sugary powder." Tamar, managing editor of Buzzworthy, also noted the perfume's sweetness, describing it as "a mystery heavily involving Sweet Tarts and Smarties."

Along with the scent's dulcet qualities, our blind testers noted that it was "light," "fresh," and "summery," but most surprisingly on-target were their perceptions of youth. The scent conjured images ranging from "brand new Barbie, fresh out of the box" to "a young woman in her early '20s," placing the perfume in the theorhetical hands of any young lady from elementary school to entry-level job. "This smells like baby's first perfume," said Nicole James, associate editor of Buzzworthy, adding, "It would definitely be worn by a girl in junior high, a real girly girl." We totally agree with Nicole, having thought ourselves that, were we still attending school and mandatory P.E. classes, we'd keep bottles of this stocked in our lockers for a post-gym odor-overhaul. Chelsea, a production assistant, gave one of the most perceptive descriptions, stating, "the girl that w! ears thi s is somebody really young and hip who shops at Forever 21." Ummm, dingdingding!!! Selena LOVES Forever 21, almost to the point where she might be single-handedly keeping them in business.

While no one was actually able to draw up Selena by name (#poutyface) when we asked our blind testers to identify the celeb backing the scent, they got pretty darn close. Guesses included fellow PYT TV stars like Victoria Justice and, as senior producer Sarah DeFilippis so aptly surmised, "Aimee Teegarden but as her Friday Night Lights character, Julie Taylor." The general consensus was a collective thumbs up, which, we think, bodes well for the Spring Breakers sweetheart, but catch a whiff of Selena Gomez's debut fragrance for yourself at Macy's and let us know what you think!

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