Selena Gomez Intervenes While Justin Bieber Allegedly In Paparazzi Scuffle

Selena Gomez Intervenes While Justin Bieber Allegedly In Paparazzi Scuffle052812_exclusive_details_bieberPoor Justin Bieber! While he was out on a date May 27, he allegedly had an altercation with a paparazzi and now police reportedly want to question him. Sources tell exclusively Selena Gomez tried to be a mediator.

Normally calm, cool and collected, Justin Bieber allegedlyfreaked out on a photographer who was blocking his car while he was on a date with Selena Gomez to see Men In Black 3 in Calabasas, Calif. May 27 and has exclusive details about the incident.

Selena and Justin had just seen Men in Black 3 at The Commons movie theater and one of the paps was blocking Justins car, making it so he couldnt leave, an eyewitness tells exclusively. Justin was getting really upset and words were exchanged and a little scuffle happened.

Recounts the source, Justin realized almost immediately that photos were being taken and stopped and stepped back, plus Selena was reasoning with him and trying to stop things, says the eyewitness. She helped him get his shoe, which fell off and was trying to resolve the whole situation. She never acted like she was upset, even though it was obvious she was stressed out. Our eyewitness saw no fists thrown at all, so thats good news.

TMZ is reporting that a lawyer witnessed the incident and advised the paparazzi in question to file a police report and go to t! he hospi tal for any pain because he could make a lot of money from the situation. Subsequently, the police are investigating the incident as misdemeanour criminal batterywhich sounds a little too harsh for the situation.

The Daily Mail spoke to Sheriff Lt. Robert Wiard who said the photographer called 911 on Sunday and complained of pain to his chest and that Selena and Justin had left by the time the police arrived.

Despite seeming flustered at the time, Justin, 18, and Selena, 19, both reacted to the altercation calmly on their Twitters and Facebook accounts.

gonna focus on the important stuff. the music. #DieInYourArms hits ITUNES in less than #24HOURS #BELIEVE, Justin wrote on Twitter later that night.

On Facebook, THANKS YOU SO MUCH to my fans for always protecting me and being there for me. I cant thank you guys enough. Im sorry I had to rush out. Love you guys.

We reached out to Justins reps, who said they do not have any comments at this time.

Were so impressed by Selenas patience and maturity in the situation and hope Justin doesnt get into any serious trouble! What do you think about the situation? Do you think Justin should be blamed for what happened?

Justin Bieber Paparazzi Fight Police Report Revealed After Scuffle Reporting by Russ Weakland Click here to see the official release from the police!

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