Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez go wild in new movie

Thu, 15 Mar 2012 5:04p.m.

Former Disney stars Vanessa Hudgens and Selena Gomez have shed their squeaky-clean image for good - by parading through the streets in bikinis while smoking cigarettes and downing booze for their racy new movie.

The young actresses have signed up to star in upcoming comedy Spring Breakers, playing college girls enjoying a week of wild partying during the annual US holiday.

And a series of images from the movie are set to shock the pair's younger fans, as they are depicted in a series of risque and controversial scenes.

Hudgens, 23, is shown wearing a bikini top and skimpy shorts as she glugs Jack Daniels from a bottle and puffs on cigarettes outside a liquor store.

Gomez, 19, who is currently dating pop sensation Justin Bieber, is seen flashing the flesh, sipping spirits from a bottle concealed in a brown paper bag and holding a female co-star's hand as they dance in the road.

In other scenes from the movie, filmed in St Petersburg, Florida, actress Rachel Korine is sprawled drunkenly in a street as Hudgens and Gomez try to revive her.

The young stars then donned bikinis again to ride scooters in the blazing sunshine.

The movie, directed by Harmony Korine, is due for release next year.