Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift: Is He Cheating on Selena Gomez? [PHOTO]
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, one of the cutest couples in Hollywood, are considered to be the next generation'sBrad Pitt-Angelina Jolie. But is the 18-year-old Canadian pop singer really following Brad Pitt? Is Bieber cheating on Gomez with Taylor Swift?
Bieber March 8 posted a photo on Twitter in which he appears with Taylor Swift, with both wearing red clothes. The photo made some gossip Web sites report that Bieber was cheating on Gomez.
"Here's a pic of Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift that he posted to Twitter because it's time Selena Gomez learns this maple-bird's got maple-wings and needs to maple-fly,"Celebuzzreported.
Bieber denied the rumors of cheating on his girlfriend bytweeting a messageon Twitter: "im smiling all day. u cant phase me. rumors are rumors. lies are lies. we know the real and! we #BEL IEVE. Hi Haterz. WE R COMING! U cant HIDE."
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However, it was not clear whether the message was for people who believe that he cheated on Gomez. But neither Gomez nor Swift said anything about the rumors.
The photo posted on Twitter is one of the images taken from MTV's Punk'd episode. The ninth season of Punk'd is supposed to be aired March 29.
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