Star Spotting: Selena Gomez Nails The College Chic Look

Posted 3 hrs ago by Nicole James in Celebrity, Photos

Selena Gomez on the set of 'Spring Breakers'

Selena Gomez wore Uggs and sweatpants in public (at the same time!), and we're not even mad at her about it -- she's just that likable. The "Hit The Lights" singer was spotted on the set of the movie "Spring Breakers" in Florida recently, and it looks like she's taking the role of "college girl" very seriously. (The movie revolves around a group of college girls who rob a restaurant to pay for their spring break.) Those were the days: rolling out of bed in sweatpants, running across campus to make class in time, making out with strangers in bathrooms at house parties... Stay in school forever, kids!

We're pretty excited to see the final product when "Spring Breakers" is released next year -- not only to watch Selena show off more of her acting chops, but duh, James Franco's in it. Sold.

Photo credit: Splash News

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