Star Spotting: Selena Gomez Got Arrested (On The Set Of Her Movie)!

Posted 2 hrs ago by Nicole James in Celebrity, Photos

Selena Gomez got arrested on the set of "Spring Breakers"!

We've been with Selena Gomez almost every step of the way since she's been filming her movie about a bunch of college girls gone wild (not in that way), "Spring Breakers." So of course she'd update us on the best part -- the arrest scene! Selena uploaded this Instagram photo to her Twitter with the caption, "Lol I'm so lame. Having way too much getting arrested." I guess that could technically mean that she could have really been arrested, but come on. Not with that face -- there's not a cop in the world who wouldn't let her off.

If I can soapbox it for one minute: let's just take a moment to all collectively thank the beauty and splendor that is Instagram. The iPhone app that turns all of our lame photos into masterpieces is also a celeb favorite, and that makes me feel really good. Sure, it's probably further exacerbating my fellow millennials' already inherent superiority complexes, but! who car es! Everyone looks so pretty!

Photo credit: @selenagomez

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