Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens Are Hot Spring Breakers

Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson, Selena GomezFameFlynet Pictures

Bring out the tanning oil and shades!

While many young adults are gearing up for some heavy partying during Spring Break this year, stars like Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens have gotten a head start! No fair!

But it's not all just fun in the sun (well not totally...)

MORE: Vanessa Hudgens: "Crazy Party Girl," Read to "Let Loose" With Selena Gomez in New Movie

There's work involved, people.

Gomez, Hudgens and costar Ashley Benson were seen in Florida today, rocking their itty-bitty bikinis and tanned bods for a scene in their upcoming flick Spring Breakers. Yeah, we wouldn't mind that kinda work, either.

The trio, along with Rachel Korine, play a group of girls that rob a bank to pay for their Spring Break! That's pretty hard-core, and it seemed to have worked, judging by those super shiny scooters that they're cruisin' on.

Don't get any ideas.

GALLERY: Party Pics: Global