Selena Gomez Is Riding Dirty On 'Spring Breakers' Set

Selena Gomez, prolific Instagram user, is delightfully un-shy about using social media to let fans in on her latest project; the star has been graciously tweeting out photos from the set of "Spring Breakers"including playful pics from behind-the-scenes, plenty of appearances by Disney galpal Vanessa Hudgens and no small number of bikini shots. But the latest tweet featured a curious appearance by one Oscar-nominated actor in full character regalia...and warning: if you currently have, or are considering having, a crush on one James Franco, you may want to shield your eyes from this next bit of intel. Because we did not, and are now considering resigning our post as President of the James Franco's Face Appreciation Club.

Because yikes.

The pic shows the cast lounging in and around an open-topped car, with Selena in the passenger seat and James Francosporting cornrows, a goatee and an eyeball-searing travesty of a shirt for his role as a drug dealerat the wheel. And yep, that's Vanessa (who looks surprisingly good with beachy blonde hair) and "Pretty Little Liar" Ashley Benson smirking from the rear fender.

Of course, this pic just gives rise to a lot of, what is going on with James? And is Selena throwing gang signs over there? And what is going on with James? Alas, there are no answers; news is still sparse on "Spring Breakers," which won't be out until 2013. But in the meantime, there's no shortage of leaks from the set thanks to Selena's snap-happy habits; you can p! eep her stream of pics right here. Just beware: There's no telling when Scary James Franco might appear again.

Are you going to stalk Selena's Instragram for more pics? What do you think of James' look? Tell us in the comments and on Twitter!

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