Selena Gomez to perform at special show to raise money for UNICEF

Selena Gomez to perform at special show to raise money for UNICEF [ News # 141901]





Washington, Jan 9: Selena Gomez is all set to stage a special show to raise funds for the United Nations Childrens Fund (Unicef) as part of her role as a celebrity ambassador.

The 19-year-old star joined forces with Unicef in 2008, speaking out on issues such as childrens rights, and became an official representative of the charitable cause the following year.

Gomez and her band The Scene performed for the organisation last year and they are planning to make the event an annual gig - they will take to the stage at the House of Blues in Los Angeles on 20 January to raise money for the fund.

Giving back has always been important to me. This concert allows me to connect with my fans in person which is one of the best parts of my job and to raise money for important causes at the same time, I cant think of anything I would enjoy doing more, Contactmusic quoted her as saying. (ANI)

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