Selena Gomez Is Among Hispanic Celebs Wanting To Learn Spanish

Selena Gomez, 19, is among nine Hispanic celebrities that want to better their Spanish, according to Latina Magazine.

Last Christmas, Justin Bieber's girlfirnd told that she wanted to receive Rosetta Stone "to learn my language."

The half-Mexican actress said she didn't feel completely confident speaking Spanish in interviews.

Jessica Alba, 30, also is hoping to learn, reports Latina. The actress, and mother of two recently hired a private tutor to help her with her Spanish.

Other actors wanting to learn Espanol are Emilio Estevez, 49, Bella Thorne, 14 and Stacey Dash, 45.

Dash is half-Mexican and stars "Single Ladies" on VH-1.

Check out the other celebs wanting to know more Spanish by clicking here.