Judge orders man to stay away from Selena Gomez

BURBANK, Calif. (AP) A civil judge has granted Selena Gomez a three-year restraining order against a man accused of stalking the singer-actress.

Superior Court Judge William D. Stewart granted the stay-away order Friday in Burbank, Calif. The order requires Thomas Brodnicki to stay away from the "Wizards of Waverly Place" star and not attempt to contact her.

Another judge dropped a felony stalking charge against the 46-year-old last year after determining prosecutors hadn't proven he had caused fear in the star. Stewart twice delayed issuing a civil order until Brodnicki had an opportunity to respond.

The judge noted Friday that Gomez had reasonable cause to be afraid of Brodnicki, who threatened to kill the 19-year-old while on a psychiatric hold.

Gomez did not appear at Wednesday's hearing.