Favorite people: Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez adopt a puppy
adopt dog from a shelter
The Justin Bieber-Selena Gomez family just got a little bigger.
They adopted a dog together (although it will stay with Gomez).
Winnipeg, Canada, animal rescue D'Arcy's A.R.C. got a surprise visit from the two, who stopped by for some canine therapy.
"They spent a lot of time with the puppies," the rescue's chief executive officer, D'Arcy Johnston, tells People.com. Gomez owns five rescue dogs and has advocated publicly on behalf of animal rescue.
Uh, make that six. The duo took home a 10-week-old husky mix.
Aniston says she's not having
a baby or getting married
Jennifer Aniston is setting the record straight about marriage and babies.
"Rumor number one: I am not planning to get married any time soon," she told Hello! Magazine. "I've been married once, and I don't know if I'll get married again," she said.
"And rumor number two: no, we're (she and boyfriend Justin Theroux) not pregnant," she said. "It's just I quit smoking, so I've gained a couple of pounds."
Not wholly-real matrimony:
Tara Reid wedding not legal
Tara Reid admits her sudden wedding in Greece in August was not, well, real.
"We (she and Zack Kehayov) were never really mar! ried," R eid told TMZ.com. "No, it was never legal."
At the time, Reid, 35, tweeted both her engagement and the nuptials within 24 hours of each other.