Selena Gomez Break Up: Ditches Band, Bonds With Bieber [SLIDESHOW]

Selena Gomez, the 19 year-old singer and boo of Justin Bieber, announced her band The Scene are no longer a part of her scene. She posted this image to Instagram last weekend with the caption: "I can't express enough how grateful I am for this group. They have been with me since day one and I can't believe it's actually over. I love you The Scene, marsh mellow girls, Ashley & Ashlee, Jivanta, Marco, Brian & Brian, mark, Jason, Javier, Timmy! Could NOT have done any of this without you. Currently bawling my eyes out. I'll miss you guys."

Later, she expanded on her website: "Just to clear up my last instagram post, my band and I are going our separate ways for a while. This year is all about films and acting and I want my band to play music wherever with whoever. We will be back but, it will be a good while. I love them and I love you guys :)."

It seems Biebers' continued support of Selena is exactly what she needs to get onto that next level of her ambitions--and he's not shy about showing it in public. We examine how tight the couple appears at least outwardly and search for the clues of encouragement--PDA alert.