BREAKING: Selena Gomez Got A Tattoo

Posted 2 hrs ago by Gaby Wilson in 'It' Girls, Beauty

Selena Gomez heart tatoo

Selena Gomez shows off new tattoo with Louie Gomez at Under The Gun in Hollywood.
Photo: Courtesy of Jordan Sandoval's Twitter

YOU GUYS. I'm not sure if I can appropriately articulate how big a deal this is, but just trust me when I say this is MAJOR times infinity to the umpteenth power. Selena Gomez recently went under the pen and acquired a TATTOO. *pause for inevitable Selenator pandemonium* Yes, it's true. We know she's toyed with temporary ink before, chiefly a curly scripted Justin across her right wrist, but this time it's for REAL. The "Hit The Lights" singer opted for some permanent body paint courtesy of Under The Gun's Louie Gomez. Selena herself hasn't said anything about the new ink yet, but thanks to Louie's friend Jordan Sandoval and the magic of the internet, we can kiiiiind of see it!

Since Jordan first tweeted the picture of Sel with his buddy Louie (and of course, Lou's handiwork), the undeniable force of the Selenators has been hitting the dude up with questions about that tat and their beloved's inky experience. Blowing up his Twinbox rapid fire for a few hours, Jordan is unphased and (bless his heart) responding to what looks like every. single. question. *flicks away single happy tear* From his kind-hearted correspondences with Sel's droves of fans, we've learned it's a plain black teeny tiny heart sitting on the outside of her right wrist. Also, he says she wasn't nervous! #ballerrrrr While we're happy to keep our eyes glued to the dude's feed, we reeeeeally want Miss Gomez to just Instagram a close-up of the ink already. *ACHEM* Do it to it, girl.

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