Selena Gomez Reveals Behind-The-Scenes Video From Fall Dream Out Loud Commercial

Selena Gomez

A still from the behind-the-scenes video of Selena Gomez's Dream Out Loud commercial shoot.Photo: courtesy of Selena Gomez's YouTube channel

At MTV Style, we're gearing up for Back To School season, bringing you all the hottest trends for your new year debut, and so is Selena Gomez who's hard at work promoting the forthcoming fall collection of her Dream Out Loud exclusive KMart collaboration. Sel teased the upcoming campaign with a quick snap from the shoot, but now, she's releasing a full video of behind-the-scenes footage from her time spent filming the DOL commercial.

Selena Gomez

A still from the behind-the-scenes video of Selena Gomez's Dream Out Loud commercial shoot.Photo: courtesy of Selena Gomez's YouTube channel

The one-and-a-half minute short features the commercial's director Melina Matsoukas explaining the premise of the ad spot. Selena heads out on a cross-Cali road trip, moving from the desert to the beach to the city. Along with allowing for multiple wardrobe changes (artfully assembled by Selena's personal stylist Basia! Richard ), it also sheds light on the transitional nature of fall. It's all about layering and hard-working versatile pieces that can pull double-duty if at all necessary. Sel hams it up with a boogie board and a convertible whip (which is BTW waaaay cooler than the 1998 Ford Windstar we drove back in the day) and looks expectedly adorable. Check the behind-the-scenes video out below!


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